Oh yeah... i think i never got words to thank well when it's about this type of thing, but, it's something i never EVER expected to happen to me, like, imagine 106 at the front of your door, it's a lot of people. And i can't even imagine what people think about my content, if they follow it's because they liked something i did in the past or now on, and this really shocks me, i'm my entire life i just showed my creations for close friends, and never for public, but showing it for Newegrounds was really a great idea! like, it's unbelivabe that someone would comment good stuff at my creations, EVEN KRINKELS! THE CREATOR OF MADNESS COMBAT ONCE COMENTED AT A SONG OF MINE! AND FAVORITED!!! LIKE, HOW IN THE WORLD-, it's something i wasn't prepared for, that day was the day...
But in resume, i'm really thankful, and for me to express my feelings is very hard... i'm trying to say the way i use to chat bcs i'm not good at english, you can see a lot of my mistakes xd.
Congratulations and keep it up!
heyy thank you!!